Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Never Want To Lose My "Dog" To A Two Faced "Fox"

The book Fox is about a dog named Dog, a magpie named Magpie, and a fox named Fox. Magpie injures her wing and feels that she will never fly again. Dog then helps her fly again by letting her ride on his back as he runs. The two become very good friends until one day when they are approached by Fox. Fox persuades Magpie to leave Dog and run with him. Magpie at first hesitates, but then she agrees. They leave Dog behind and run onwards. But, when Magpie and Fox reach far away from Dog, he shakes Magpie off his back. He then tells Magpie that she and dog can now know what it feels like to be lonely, and he runs off. This books shows that people can have two completely different personality traits.
            In the book, Dog is innocent and caring, as well as wise. In the beginning, Dog shows Magpie that there is a solution to her problem, and her life isn’t over. He related to her broken wing with his blind eye, but Magpie basically replies (with an attitude) that Dog knows nothing because she is immobilized, but dog is just half blind. Dog became silent. Dog was caring because he related to Magpie and showed her that she wasn’t alone, which is a really nice thing to do. Dog is innocent because he didn’t mean to “insult” Magpie, when he applied his problem to hers. Even though it might have been lost in translation, he didn’t mean to hurt Magpie. Dog was wise because he let Magpie have some space after she snapped at him. He let her take in the options in front of her and think about what she had just said, instead of arguing and defending himself. Dog could have left Magpie, but he didn’t even though she had said some harsh things. These actions prove that people can have two completely different personality traits.
            Fox is lonely as well as spiteful. In the book when he abandons Magpie, he says that now her and Dog will know what it’s truly like to be alone. This basically shows that Fox is lonely because if he weren’t lonely, then he wouldn’t be jealous of Magpie and Dog’s relationship. He’s spiteful because he basically took Magpie away from Dog in the sense that if he couldn’t have a relationship and be happy, no one could.  Usually those traits don’t mix. When you are lonely you try to stop that loneliness and you make friends. When you are spiteful usually you have more power then others and something you love is taken away. These two don’t mix, showing that people can have two different personality traits.
            All in all, Fox taught me that you can’t judge someone on they’re first impression. When Magpie trusted Fox without getting to know him, she ended up in a pretty bad situation. I also learned that knowing your true friends is what is most important, and to always keep in mine that you can make new friends, but its very important to keep the ones that have been with you forever. I hope I am never in this situation when it really matters. Dog was all that Magpie had, and she lost it forever. I don’t think I would, or any one else would, want to be like Magpie and they’re most important person in they’re life. This book taught m to never lose sight of what’s important. I hope I can really take this message and carry it with me throughout life, unlike Magpie. 

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