Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reading Response Essay: Go Ask Alice

Over the summer I read “Go Ask Alice.” This book is a dairy kept by an unnamed girl who takes drugs in the early 70’s. I think that this book shows you the consequences of drugs.
            One way this book shows you the consequence of drugs is it describe what can go wrong when you are “high”. In the middle of the book, this girl and her friend run away to San Francisco. They want to open their own boutique and they seek employment in a small shop owned by a middle-aged woman. This woman invited them both to a cocktail party. They both agree. At the party, the two girls both have a few drinks. After the party, the women invites the two girls back to her apartment with her boyfriend. All four of them do heroin. After the girl and her friend fall asleep, the boutique owner and her boyfriend assault them. This shows that when you are under the influence of drugs, nobody is there to protect you. You can’t speak for yourself and your judgment is impaired. If they hadn’t drank the alcohol, they may have not gone with the women and her boyfriend. And then the assault would have never happened. So this shows what can go wrong when you are under the influence of drugs.
            Another way this book shoes you the consequence of drugs is it’s effects on life. For example when the pressure from her family and her neighborhood become too much for the girl, she runs away again. Then to make money to buy drugs she results to prostitution. Another example is when her friends treat the diarist wrong, she comes back, she has a bad “trip” and is sent to a mental hospital. Both of these situations are problems that nobody would like to be in the middle of. In the beginning of the book, the diarist was smart and on task, but as soon as she became involved with drugs, she ended up throwing her life away.  This is another way the book shows the consequences of drugs.
            These are a couple of examples for how the book “Go Ask Alice” shows it’s readers the consequences of drugs. When I was reading the book, it showed me how drugs have many different variables. The book was very intense but I do not regret reading it. This book really impacted my view of the world. And I would definitely recommend it to anyone.